Gaiety on Tour - 17th September - Holmes and Watson

Love going to the theatre but don't want to travel.  Not to worry Ochiltree Hub is brining the theatre to you.


The Gaiety on Tour is visiting The Hub on 17th September.

Ochiltree Community Hub Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce FINALIST

Ochiltree Community Hub are delighted to announce that they are FINALISTS in Ayrshire Chamber Commerce Awards 2024

Category - Developing Ayrshire's Young Workforce Award

We will find out on Friday 4th October if we are the WINNER

Employability Programme

Employability Programme 

Ochiltree Community Hub are looking forward to working in partnership with the Coalfields Worx Programme to deliver a paid employability programme to the young people of the community.

Youth Employment Scheme

Ochiltree Community Hub Youth Team

Ochiltree Community Hub were very excited to be given funding from the Aria project this has made the OCH Youth Scheme possible.  This has helped a number of young people from the area gain employment at The Hub given them a wide variety of experience.